Thursday 25 August 2016

There are a few things that separate good web developers from great web developers and being truly effective. As a web development company we know what are the things that you will need to become great developer? Let’s take a look:

Web development company

1. Build a website with end goal in mind:

There are two types of developers one who works fast and reckless and other who takes it slowly but surely? Fast developer’s end-product will almost certainly be buggy and will be difficult to maintain. Choose the second option, be sure, and take few hours to produce something that will have longevity.

2. Use bug trackers:

Every project have thousands, or even million lines of code. its more practical to have a software then manually looking through thousand lines of code. Use of bug trackers will  improve workflow and It will make your product better and efficient as well.

2. Test and fix the website:

Testing a website is vital for any web developer. To become a good web developer you will need to test the website, app or software you are creating before launch. and fix the bugs or issues in your website before launching it.

4. Optimization:

As a developer you will need to create effective products which are both functional and pleasing to the eye. For that firstly you need to focus on is making your project work. Next improve its speed. And lastly, worry about aesthetics.

5. Builds for both ends:

For most of the websites, a front-end without a backend is useless, and a backend without a front-end is even worse. Remember both ends deserves equal consideration.

6. Be Organized:

By being organized i mean "The way you arrange your code". Well Arranged code will be much easier to maintain, optimize, and extend, making for more efficient developers.

Let us know what do you think about this article... share with us in comments.

Or if you need any web development services feel free to contact us at Anomla Technologies.

1 comment:

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